Here's What Say It With A Camera Is About
Hi there! I'm Mike Hardisty and this is my blog, Say It With A Camera. Maybe you followed a link from one of my photographs or perhaps whilst searching the web you somehow ended up here. Of course you might not want to be here, but before you go have a look around.
I create images. An unusual word to use with photography, create. But it’s true. It’s very rare that I post an image S.O.O.C. (straight out of camera). I shoot in RAW and all of my photographs are post processed in Lightroom and Photoshop to transform them into my vision. “Oh no, another Photochopper” I hear you say, “Get me out of here.” Don't do it. Hit the Follow button instead.
Still not convinced. Think about it. Why should I let the software geeks and ultimately the processor inside my camera dictate what the final photograph will look like? It’s my photograph, my vision.
Right from the start I learned how to shoot in manual, TV, AV, you know all those fun modes. Why let a machine make the decisions, that’s how SKYNET started and we all know how that ended.
Still with me? I just want to talk about gear. First of all you need a camera. It doesn't have to be a high-end DSLR with loads of expensive lenses to get great looking images. Another thing you definitely need is a sturdy tripod for long exposures. Trust me, you do, unless you want to constantly set your camera on top of something and prop it up with whatever’s lying around. Here’s what I use;
- Pentax K-30
- Sigma 10-20mm f4-5.6 Wide Angle (the one I have on my K-30 most of the time)
- Pentax 18-50mm Weather Resistant (good for when it's raining or sand is blowing on the beach)
- Red Snapper RS284 Tripod & RS12 Ballhead
I'm not into the whole Canon versus Nikon versus Sony argument. I leave that to others more suitably qualified. The K-30 is a great camera, it suits me and my needs and I've no intention of changing it in the near future. Oh! and another thing. I use a PC not a MAC, sorry if I'm disappointing you here, but a good fast PC will do the job just as well as a MAC and is a lot cheaper too. I hope this give you a bit of an insight to me and my photography.
What about me? Well I'm a photographer and blogger living in North Wales where I produce landscape photographs of the Snowdonia National Park and the beautiful North Wales coast. Living on the coast allows me to also photograph many of the birds that migrate to the Dee Estuary throughout the year.
In 2013/2014 I have been co-operating with Conwy Borough council to produce photographs from some of the ancient and historic churches in the Conwy Valley, which will be used for future tourist publications.